Happy Easter!
by Jane Levene on 04/08/12Hi friends, we've had a very beautiful Easter, and I hope you all did as well. The weather is so perfect that it makes most local folks nervous! We worry about a too-early spring followed by a big late snowstorm. But whatever, it was a gorgeous day. The progress to date is two fields of irrigation set up, 3 more to go. Plus we got the silt and muck removed from our irrigation pond. Three massive truckloads from the "Guzzler" monster vac truck, to remove more than 3 feet of sediment from our pond. The pond is over 17 years old, and we hadn't ever cleaned it out. Our number one mistake! So the lesson learned is: it is so much easier and less expensive to do this every other year, to make sure the irrigation pond doesn't silt up. Most septic maintainance trucks can do this for you, we just needed the super-heroes of trucks to help us out. But we are almost ready to go. Farm life consists on some really glorious moments followed by more tasks than can ever be done in one day. So I just focus on the little things some days. New baby chicks are on hand, 16 in all to replace our older chickens that really aren't laying much any more. Our old girls will continue to age gracefully, not planning anything drastic with them. I do love the milder taste of farm-fresh eggs, so am happy to see the new crew in place, and actually starting to grow some feathers. I had hoped to update the blog every evening, but reality is every few days is the best I can do! Instead of the "Farmer's Wife" I am the "The Farmer IS a Wife!" I love and appreciate my husband endlessly, but it falls to me to manage the house and the farm. I am fortunate because every good farm acts like a magnet-pulling in other great people who help out and keeping family close. So I have lots of help, but prefer to do some things myself. When there are animals involved, it is important to stay very familiar with how they all are doing, and not just delegate that to the other folks. So all is good today, and tomorrow will get our best efforts. Take care, Jane